Here is some more insight from the Book of James that
will give us a handle on the importance of love in a believers
life, the sin nature we all struggle with, and faith in action.
James 2:8-10 New International Version
If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right. But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.
Jesus said this:
Luke 6:31 New International Version
"Do to others as you would have them do to you"He also said:
Matthew 22:37-40 New International Version
"love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with
all your soul, and with all your mind.
"This is the great and foremost commandment.
"The second is like it, 'You shall love your neighbor
as yourself.
"All The Law and Prophets hang on these two
The problem - We all have a sin nature
- No one is righteous
- We do things to please ourselves and serve our own agenda
even if it is sinful before God.
Lets think about how we treat others and ask ourselves some important questions:.
Is our identity in Christ reflected in the choices we make each day?
Is our identity in Christ reflected in the way we treat others?
Compassion, kindness, generosity, mercy and love are just some
important attributes that should be part of who we are in Christ.
The Bible tells us that The Fruit of a Spirit filled life contain these attributes:
Galatians 5:22-23 New International Version
faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Evidence of real faith in Christ is how we treat others.
Remember: We will reap what we sow!
What can we do to help us love our neighbor?
The more we pursue our relationship with God and study His principles found in the Bible,
the more He will reveal to us how we are to love others and live out our faith in Christ.
Here is a passage that can help us make progress in our desire to be Christ-like:
Philippians 4:8-9 New International Version
When we put into practice God's principles we are aligning our hearts with His.
With daily practice, living a life of love will define who we are in Christ, and prove
to others we are His disciples
John 13:35 New International Version
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”.....................................................................................................................................
Faith & Deeds:
James 2:14 New International Version
"What good is it my brothers, if a man claims to have
faith but has no deeds."
James 2:26 New International Version
"As the body without spirit is dead, so faith without
deeds is dead.
We must completely understand what James is saying.
James is saying that there are 2 kinds of faith one
that is legitimate - Completed faith, and one that is
illegitimate - Faith without deeds.
When we have a legitimate faith we go beyond the
intellectual understanding of the principles of faith and reach a
heart level demonstration of our saving faith in our daily lives.
When we truly trust God, we will act on our faith.
Understand this: The Holy Spirit is the change agent that helps
us become more like Christ and therefore helps us act on our faith.
We must remember our faith matures and grows deeper over time.
As time goes on our minds and hearts are conditioned to
respond to Gods calling guided by the wisdom and direction
from the Holy Spirit. Application of the intellectual and heart
level understanding of God's ways will produce the kind of fruit
( faith and actions working together) James is talking about.
I pray we will all ask God to help us grow in our
faith and understanding of His Word. That we will become
the disciples God wants us to be through application of His principles.
That we will continue to trust God with every area of our lives.
That we will love and serve God with excellence as well as demonstrate
our Christ-like love toward others.
With God's Help not only we will be changed from the inside out,
but we will have a greater positive impact for God's Kingdom in our
families, our Churches, our Communities and beyond.
Just Sayin.................Dave
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