Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Heart Of the Artist Part 8 Talking Points Review

Heart Of the Artist Part 8 Talking Points Review:

1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

Excellence Verses Perfectionism
Perfectionism is one of the artist’s biggest battles.
Perfectionism takes the joy out of someone’s art and ministry.

Look at yourself in what ways are you a perfectionist?

It can take just one negative comment to cause an artist to play a negative
scenario over in one’s mind and torturing that person to know end. It can lead to
spiritual battles as well. Where the voice of the enemy can destroy our self
esteem even to the level of effecting ones ministry.

For the perfectionist one thing gone wrong means everything gone wrong.
Perfectionism is a subtle form of sin. (Controlling one’s environment, protecting oneself, trying to be in control of things that God has sovereignty over)

Helpful hints for the perfectionist:
·        Avoid black and white thinking. (Something is either all good or all bad)
·        Avoid being overly critical.
·        Avoid setting high unrealistic expectations.
·        Savor the positive.
·        Celebrate what God is doing through you.
·        Let God be perfect, let us be obedient.
·        Focus on God’s Glory not our own.
·        Base your self image on who you are in Christ not what you do for Him.
·        Have a healthy concept of God.
·        Lose yourself in God.

Matthew 10:39 NIV
Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

·        Don’t make self esteem your God.
·        With God’s help set realistic expectations.

Pursue excellence:

Do the best you can with what you have all for the glory of God.

Christ modeled excellence for us.

Excellence is also a powerful witness for Christ.

When we do things with excellence the world will sit up and take notice, and we 
can point them to God who created us, gifted us and loves us.

Developing  your skill:
·        Do the best you can do with the talent you have been given.
·        Perform or create skillfully.
·        Shoot high artistically.
·        Continue to develop your skills. Keep your chops in shape.
         (Have a daily practice routine)
·        Be trainable. Learn from others. Study your art.
·        Look for quality and integrity. Study the masters.
·        Give God your best.

Colossians 3:23 NIV
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord,
not for men,

Pursuing excellence also means being original and creative.

Be who God created us to be. Make your art reflective of you relationship
with God.

Always prepare yourself spiritually before you do anything for God.
Pray before rehearsal and before Worship.

Personally spend time with God early on Sunday morning to prepare your heart for worship. 

Always be prepared to be ambassadors for Christ in this world.

Acts 1:8 NIV
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be
my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

When we are filled with the Holy Spirit we become powerful witnesses for Jesus Christ.

The most important ingredient for effective communication is sincerity.

Do we really believe what we sing about?

Live a spirit filled life.

When Handling Criticism:

Respond with grace:
Be Slow to speak, be slow to be angry.

James 1:19 NIV  
My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen,
slow to speak and slow to become angry,

Be discerning:
·        Discretion: the trait of judging wisely and objectively
·        Discernment is a process of prayerful reflection which leads a person or community to understanding of God's call at a given time.
·        Prayerful reflection and discussion before taking a major decision.
·        Discernment is a process that frees and opens us up to God's will. 

Have a Teachable Spirit:
·        Be open to feedback
·        There is always room for improvement

Learn how to fail graciously:
·        It is OK to fail
·        Own up to mistakes
·        Just because we fail does not mean we are a failure.

Ask yourself:
Why are artists afraid to fail?

Are you open to others suggestions?
Would you more likely consider another persons perspective knowing they
may have Godly discernment?

It is easy to become self focused when it comes to serving as an artist in the 
church. We must remember to always be God focused. Serving with excellence 
does not mean we have to be perfect, but it does mean we have to rely on a 
perfect God to guide our ministry and our acts of Worship. When we invite 
God into the equation we have the formula for success in God’s kingdom. 
Success is not one’s perception of one’s achievement of the perfect performance. Success is rather the way God transforms our offering of praise into His purpose of drawing others into relationship with Him. God gives us the privilege to share in leading others to salvation in Christ. We should be grateful for this privilege and opportunity to serve our most awesome Heavenly Father in this way.


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